Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Diorama In Progress

The diorama, now with track, scenic jigsaw foamboard bases, a trial horizon and the trial bridge shaped to accentuate the perspective, is at an experimental stage. The temporary, wallpaper backscene is pegged to a semi-elliptical shape with cocktail sticks in the foamboard bases of the scenic jigsaw.

The proscenium arch is clearly too high and reveals the top of the backscene, but if the viewpoint were raised to hide this, the horizon would cease to be horizontal. Already it is very slightly curved up in the middle. The scene is lit by LEDs, the position of which need adjusting to flatten the sky.

The objective is to be able to photograph (or view) the scene at horizon level with the backscene appearing flat to the rear wall of the diorama for almost its whole width, the view being limited only by the proscenium arch and wings.

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